Rwanda: Togo Opposition Leader Farida Nabourema accuses Paul Kagame of committing war crimes in DRC

Togolese Opposition Leader Farida Bemba Nabourema has spoken out against the rwandan aggression in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Faure Must Leave movement spokeswoman is questioning the international community inability to condemn Paul Kagame for conducting destabilizing wars in DRC and the African Great Lakes region.

Paul Kagame acts as a colonizer sending his troops to invade the neighboring country DRC and supporting rebel groups who plunder natural resources in DRC. Yet he remains totally unchallenged and indifferent to the international community despite his war crimes., Farida Nabourema lamened.

The M23 rebels are back and are spreading terror in eastern Congo, trying to take control of the mineral-rich Kivu province. This terrorist rebel group has been responsible for the killing of thousands of civilians since the early 2000s and continues to benefit from the support of Paul Kagame in Rwanda., argues Farida Nabourema. Tamtam News

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